#!/bin/bash # check whether we're running as sudo if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run as root" exit fi # declare variables MY_SERVER_LOCATION="//" MOUNT_PREFIX="/mnt" USERNAME="mastermindzh" # check whether array contains a key containsElement() { local e match="$1" shift for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } # trickery to add objects into bash array # all associative arrays are named NAME{X} where {X} is a number declare -A MOUNTS0=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='Rick' [mount]='rick' ) declare -A MOUNTS1=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='Series' [mount]='series' ) declare -A MOUNTS2=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='Movies' [mount]='movies' ) declare -A MOUNTS3=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='appdata' [mount]='appdata' ) declare -A MOUNTS4=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='isos' [mount]='isos' ) declare -A MOUNTS5=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='books' [mount]='books' ) declare -A MOUNTS6=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='pictures' [mount]='pictures' ) declare -A MOUNTS7=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]='nvme1' [mount]='nvme1' ) declare -A MOUNTS8=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]="downloads" [mount]="downloads" ) declare -A MOUNTS9=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]="emulation" [mount]="emulation" ) declare -A MOUNTS10=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]="audiobooks" [mount]="audiobooks" ) declare -A MOUNTS11=( [server]="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION" [share]="games" [mount]="games" ) # declare array with "objects" declare -n MOUNTS # Show mountpoints and ask user which ones to mount COUNTER=1 echo "Enter a list of numbers to mount (default = all):" for MOUNTS in ${!MOUNTS@}; do echo "$COUNTER. $MY_SERVER_LOCATION/${MOUNTS[share]} => $MOUNT_PREFIX/${MOUNTS[mount]}" ((COUNTER++)) done # unset and redeclare unset -n MOUNTS && declare -n MOUNTS # read user input and add to array of shares to mount read USER_INPUT SHARES_TO_MOUNT=() MOUNT_ALL=false for number in $USER_INPUT; do SHARES_TO_MOUNT+=("$number") done # if input is empty -> mount all if [ "${#SHARES_TO_MOUNT[@]}" == 0 ]; then MOUNT_ALL=true fi # Run through mounts and execute mounting logic MOUNTCOUNTER=0 for MOUNTS in ${!MOUNTS@}; do ((MOUNTCOUNTER++)) if [ "$MOUNT_ALL" = true ] || containsElement "$MOUNTCOUNTER" "${SHARES_TO_MOUNT[@]}"; then # creating directory CURRENT_DIRECTORY="$MOUNT_PREFIX/${MOUNTS[mount]}" if [ ! -d "$CURRENT_DIRECTORY" ]; then echo -e "\nDirectory '$CURRENT_DIRECTORY' doesn't exist... \nCreating '$CURRENT_DIRECTORY'..." mkdir -p "$CURRENT_DIRECTORY" echo -e "Created '$CURRENT_DIRECTORY'...\n" fi # check if directories are mounted already if grep -qs "$CURRENT_DIRECTORY " /proc/mounts; then echo "$CURRENT_DIRECTORY already mounted" else # mounting SERVER_LOCATION="$MY_SERVER_LOCATION/${MOUNTS[share]}" MOUNT_LOCATION="$MOUNT_PREFIX/${MOUNTS[mount]}" mount.cifs "$SERVER_LOCATION" "$MOUNT_LOCATION" -o user=mastermindzh,noperm,rw,vers=2.0 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Succesfully mounted $MOUNT_LOCATION" else echo "Failed mounting $SERVER_LOCATION on $MOUNT_LOCATION" fi fi fi done