#!/usr/bin/env bash icon="$HOME/.config/i3/icons/lock.png" tmpbg='/tmp/screen.png' # detect whether tidal is running isPlaying=$(~/.config/i3/scripts/tidal-cli.sh status); scrot "$tmpbg" convert "$tmpbg" -scale 10% -scale 1000% "$tmpbg" convert "$tmpbg" "$icon" -gravity center -composite -matte "$tmpbg" # Stop music if playing ~/.config/i3/scripts/tidal-cli.sh pause # check whether the lockscreen is being activated because of a suspend if [[ $* == *--suspend ]]; then # if it is, simply lock without no-fork i3lock -f -i "$tmpbg"; else # if it isn't suspended, enable no-fork i3lock -n -f -i "$tmpbg"; # if tidal was playing before we locked, resume. if [ $isPlaying == "playing" ]; then ~/.config/i3/scripts/tidal-cli.sh play fi; fi