All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* added my public keys to a keys.json file in the root of the website ([8a2f19e](
### Bug Fixes
* 404 on page of removed product ([0dc9773](
* added links to orphaned categories and tags pages ([0e9946c](
* **opengraph:** added mandatory opengraph tags to all pages. Also fixed some other minor bugs ([98a3eb7](
* package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities ([9dc1f62](
* remove noindex and noindex follow tags ([d72e301](
* removed nofollow links to my own website ([bebfe16](
* several pages linked to redirected urls. This replaces those links with the destination instead ([b5126bf](
* solve 404 on front-thumb image ([5344b98](
* updated npm packages and pinned unist-util-find to 1.0.2 to fix build errors ([5ea6e0a](
* upgrade gatsby-plugin-image from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0 ([05662d2](
* upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk ([cbaca6f](
* upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk ([10cbe94](
* upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk ([3ef5ca5](
* upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk ([46c12f8](
### New content
* A new blog about the LegoLeague event held at INFORIT ([4e6b042](
* **legoleague:** fixed some writing ([92245be](
* dependency updates and the removal of gatsby-plugin-offline ([302c6d0](
* .language-text not breaking on mobile ([5fe2d8e](
### New content
* blogpost about flashing lsi 9211 cards ([ebca5f9](
* added social images to the frontmatter of most blogs ([6f0fb54](
* navigate link now always returns to all articles beacuse history can be empty ([80c31d7](
* removed the estranged '1' from the description of the latest blogpost ([b963241](
* socialImage code doesnt properly use publicURL ([561faa3](
### New content
* added a picture of Eddy's completed urn. Also changed my function title to Tech Lead ([c50c6fb](
* **blog:** A blog post about my new hobby: Legos ([ab47ca8](
* Added a new post about adopting conventional commits ([b710c24](
* change path of css-module-stub ([42d6377](
* **deps:** add react-test-renderer to react group ([ac63d88](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.10.0 ([1ca4c3e](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.11.0 ([0ee899a](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.19.7 ([88ecf47](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.2.2 ([67c56dd](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.2.3 ([7a3d6aa](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.2.4 ([674407d](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.2.5 ([419f53b](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.3.5 ([4295b6f](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.3.6 ([8f7b37f](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.4.0 ([6b89de5](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.4.1 ([0eaab69](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.5.1 ([8c41626](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.7.1 ([3d543b5](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.7.2 ([54d93c3](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.8.0 ([839edb2](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^6.9.0 ([3427c20](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^7.1.1 ([9f04a96](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^7.10.0 ([c3f8de8](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^7.2.0 ([ca053b4](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^7.3.1 ([ead3cad](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^7.4.1 ([973d6bf](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^7.8.0 ([558bc13](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to ^7.8.1 ([470e258](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to v6 ([7181049](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/gatsby to v7 ([5f12e26](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^5.27.6 ([ee30103](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^5.29.0 ([afde5ab](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^5.29.2 ([191dd82](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^5.30.0 ([f24396f](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.0.2 ([758ce4a](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.0.3 ([246c052](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.1.0 ([e9fc685](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.10.0 ([e91fc33](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.11.0 ([e26b742](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.19.7 ([dc493ab](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.2.0 ([6f8ca9c](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.2.1 ([438535e](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.2.2 ([b2a929f](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.2.3 ([fc1d493](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.2.4 ([c9348e6](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.2.5 ([1f28b2b](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.3.1 ([8fbb3ff](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.3.3 ([3860173](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.3.4 ([5d3bdbe](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.3.5 ([7b2800e](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.3.6 ([efcd522](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.4.0 ([939d557](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.4.1 ([46207e8](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.5.1 ([c9e96e7](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.7.1 ([2559457](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.7.2 ([47370d7](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.8.0 ([1ddaec8](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^6.9.0 ([f96f83c](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.1.0 ([8877d76](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.1.1 ([f1dba46](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.10.0 ([78dec88](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.12.1 ([bce29cf](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.2.0 ([96e9342](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.3.0 ([4da3547](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.3.1 ([79bffb1](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.4.1 ([be11573](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.5.1 ([8689662](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.6.0 ([a9927c7](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.7.0 ([a4f94fd](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.8.0 ([b2ab3eb](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.8.1 ([d28b7cd](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to ^7.9.0 ([44bb401](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to v6 ([71ca5b2](
* **deps:** update dependency @sentry/tracing to v7 ([afb3b53](
* **deps:** update dependency bluebird to ^3.5.3 ([56310ca](
* **deps:** update dependency bluebird to ^3.5.4 ([bfc2c64](
* **deps:** update dependency bluebird to ^3.5.5 ([2ea7821](
* **deps:** update dependency bluebird to ^3.7.0 ([c1a84f2](
* **deps:** update dependency bluebird to ^3.7.1 ([244582d](
* **deps:** update dependency bluebird to ^3.7.2 ([7c03b63](
* **deps:** update dependency classnames to ^2.3.1 ([158e712](
* **deps:** update dependency classnames to ^2.3.2 ([e60135b](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.2.0 ([660b428](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.3.0 ([b2084b2](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.4.0 ([fcf8f65](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.5.0 ([34c75aa](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.6.1 ([d3405b9](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.6.2 ([e912fcc](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.6.4 ([3cf530d](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.6.5 ([2828217](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.7.0 ([7d2b04d](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.7.2 ([adb40c7](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.8.0 ([888dcfc](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.8.1 ([9a0f446](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.8.2 ([0302578](
* **deps:** update dependency codecov to ^3.8.3 ([4fa10b6](
* **deps:** update dependency disqus-react to ^1.1.3 ([dd4000c](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.13.19 ([06b2fe7](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.13.56 ([f3d736e](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.17.1 ([8187508](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.17.4 ([82d8fd1](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.18.17 ([7096787](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.19.12 ([11e3122](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.29.3 ([81eef1e](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.3.10 ([3080f35](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.3.6 ([6518068](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.31.1 ([b4e5491](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.32.11 ([5a0b496](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.5.0 ([5b0e5c9](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.5.1 ([ed402a1](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.5.2 ([9673d9d](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.6.3 ([2dbd4d7](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^2.8.2 ([27e479f](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^4.13.1 ([97f3aae](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby to ^4.17.2 ([956a3ae](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-google-gtag to v2 ([8cfcd4d](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-manifest to ^2.6.1 ([3d2f58a](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-netlify to ^2.11.1 ([89cbfd4](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms to ^4.10.1 ([4037055](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms to v4 ([762c132](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-offline to v3 ([9bba85f](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-optimize-svgs to ^1.0.4 ([9f56a5d](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-optimize-svgs to ^1.0.5 ([d43aa22](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-sass to ^2.3.17 ([66c4a29](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-sass to v3 ([feb6170](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-plugin-sharp to ^2.2.1 ([919e6fb](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-remark-images to ^3.0.12 ([a62f166](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-remark-images to ^3.0.13 ([2daaf32](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-remark-relative-images to v2 ([c5b5708](
* **deps:** update dependency gatsby-source-filesystem to ^2.0.36 ([816056e](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.10.1 ([0abf7ca](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.10.2 ([974a1d1](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.11.0 ([b741f10](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.11.1 ([a8a4c7a](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.12.0 ([36d2a21](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.0 ([5a430fb](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.1 ([7d907ab](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.10 ([ada2aa3](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.11 ([2564e8f](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.12 ([cc51d3a](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.13 ([c511580](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.16 ([91843d1](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.17 ([2bbee3a](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.18 ([277446a](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.19 ([fde2905](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.2 ([2fab775](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.20 ([814c7db](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.21 ([b958bf9](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.22 ([c18daea](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.24 ([4978149](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.3 ([64d3f6a](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.5 ([1cec6dc](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.6 ([10a52bf](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.7 ([ac12c89](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.8 ([24c78b9](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.13.9 ([cad6bc6](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.15.1 ([7d2a79c](
* **deps:** update dependency katex to ^0.15.2 ([27531a4](
* **deps:** update dependency lodash to ^4.17.13 ([15d17b6](
* **deps:** update dependency lodash to ^4.17.15 ([1272d62](
* **deps:** update dependency lodash to ^4.17.19 ([5f9486a](
* **deps:** update dependency lodash to ^4.17.20 ([9b8112c](
* **deps:** update dependency lodash to ^4.17.21 ([0c7e6a0](
* **deps:** update dependency moment to ^2.24.0 ([d7dae11](
* **deps:** update dependency moment to ^2.27.0 ([e087764](
* **deps:** update dependency moment to ^2.28.0 ([32358c6](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.8.0 ([5aa896a](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.9.0 ([58a4c9d](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.9.1 ([1ea4a9c](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.9.2 ([9c70483](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.9.3 ([d913186](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.9.4 ([fbee4de](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.9.5 ([4d73ad5](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms to ^2.9.6 ([8628c1a](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.10.1 ([509d221](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.1 ([e52fd21](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.11 ([30b6ed9](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.13 ([1476789](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.14 ([2a3dcb3](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.16 ([3b08d1a](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.19 ([710baa1](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.20 ([be709d4](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.21 ([f37127e](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.23 ([234dc74](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.25 ([817c021](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.27 ([74a2f3b](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.29 ([d69d6b1](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.32 ([c3d8817](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.5 ([b231547](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.11.6 ([66a4728](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.12.12 ([3a30c1e](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.12.16 ([5cf5ead](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.12.18 ([da1886f](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.12.19 ([361b096](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.12.20 ([b5f49fb](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.12.27 ([ac5cfb7](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.12.3 ([bcab0f5](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.13.3 ([40e22d6](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.1 ([71d1ae7](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.10 ([f587e50](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.12 ([64fa809](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.14 ([de23215](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.45 ([fa6eeb3](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.46 ([02dfbe8](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.47 ([4c6d813](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.48 ([1b6ca81](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.5 ([e03b446](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.6 ([f49160d](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.7 ([84509e1](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.14.8 ([bffa041](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.10 ([0549fa9](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.11 ([cbbf0d3](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.15 ([d71917e](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.16 ([abb8961](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.17 ([6185e71](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.18 ([d14114f](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.19 ([2cb751c](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.2 ([433d78b](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.20 ([074c20a](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.21 ([eb3f034](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.22 ([a193dfc](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.23 ([2051b30](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.24 ([8ec0d0e](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.26 ([b432cf6](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.27 ([437de63](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.28 ([a7af3c3](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.29 ([92966c8](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.3 ([a6445a9](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.30 ([f9715c2](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.34 ([205bab1](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.35 ([3963593](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.36 ([426cf8c](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.38 ([8f9300e](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.39 ([4b5a90a](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.4 ([393d3ae](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.40 ([c5677eb](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.41 ([3c8d766](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.42 ([04cb910](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.43 ([d9fe98c](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.44 ([dd715db](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.45 ([cfaa233](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.46 ([9c5da05](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.47 ([641b9ed](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.48 ([0cb851c](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.49 ([51b353d](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.51 ([ffa95e2](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.52 ([3b2b30c](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.53 ([846bdb4](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.54 ([2666d47](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.55 ([24851f4](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.57 ([40aeb84](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.58 ([ea65358](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.59 ([de3e139](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.6 ([a03c969](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.61 ([54ee7a1](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.63 ([57ab9f2](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.66 ([24edfb2](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.15.9 ([c539e45](
* **deps:** update dependency netlify-cms-app to ^2.9.7 ([37a869d](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to ^4.12.0 ([192e0d2](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to ^4.13.0 ([e4ccca7](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to ^4.13.1 ([6796700](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to ^4.14.1 ([5b0623e](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to ^6.0.1 ([5dc9477](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to v5 ([73d0fa2](
* **deps:** update dependency node-sass to v6 ([c3c039c](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.16.0 ([f483a21](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.17.1 ([fd1b06e](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.18.0 ([0335eb7](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.19.0 ([42379b3](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.20.0 ([7cb83dd](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.22.0 ([f818046](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.23.0 ([577db57](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.24.0 ([60e50d8](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.24.1 ([3a05dac](
* **deps:** update dependency prismjs to ^1.29.0 ([5fe437c](
* **deps:** update dependency react-helmet to ^5.2.1 ([642f38d](
* **deps:** update dependency react-helmet to v6 ([0341757](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.10.0 ([194e55f](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.10.1 ([cf23fbb](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.10.2 ([6446dcb](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.11.0 ([ea7f430](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.12.0 ([c06a9ae](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.13.0 ([4034476](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.13.1 ([3f2ee0b](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.14.0 ([41a6788](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.8.5 ([874a667](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.8.6 ([eae8925](
* **deps:** update react to ^16.9.0 ([0525623](
* **deps:** update react to ^17.0.1 ([9073078](
* **deps:** update react to ^17.0.2 ([ea84078](
* **deps:** update react to ^18.2.0 ([4bffbb4](
* **deps:** update react to v17 ([c3fec77](
* **deps:** update react to v18 ([09dcb88](
* error when navigating to a post that has no tags ([420e422](
* use aliase [#199]( ([46743e9](
### New content
* writing as an architect is hard ([027add7](