Merge pull request #1 from alxshelepenok/master

Merge changes from source repository
This commit is contained in:
Aleksander Helgaker 2019-08-24 13:42:21 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 59fc3e1101
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 106 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -148,21 +148,26 @@ $ gatsby serve
## Contributors
Thanks goes to these wonderful people!
[<img alt="vzhou842" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="abisz" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="mariolopjr" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="ihororlovskyi" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="timbroder" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="vinnymac" src="" width="117">]( |
[<img alt="vzhou842" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="abisz" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="mariolopjr" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="alehel" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="ihororlovskyi" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="timbroder" src="" width="117">]( |
:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |
[vzhou842]( |[abisz]( |[mariolopjr]( |[ihororlovskyi]( |[timbroder]( |[vinnymac]( |
[vzhou842]( |[abisz]( |[mariolopjr]( |[alehel]( |[ihororlovskyi]( |[timbroder]( |
[<img alt="yodahuang" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="axelclark" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="BigTony666" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="ybbarng" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="marktani" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="concreted" src="" width="117">]( |
[<img alt="vinnymac" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="yodahuang" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="axelclark" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="BigTony666" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="stigrune" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="ybbarng" src="" width="117">]( |
:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |
[yodahuang]( |[axelclark]( |[BigTony666]( |[ybbarng]( |[marktani]( |[concreted]( |
[vinnymac]( |[yodahuang]( |[axelclark]( |[BigTony666]( |[stigrune]( |[ybbarng]( |
[<img alt="chmac" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="charandas" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="marcelabomfim" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="zollillo" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="codejet" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="reed-jones" src="" width="117">]( |
[<img alt="marktani" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="concreted" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="chmac" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="charandas" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="marcelabomfim" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="zollillo" src="" width="117">]( |
:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |
[chmac]( |[charandas]( |[marcelabomfim]( |[zollillo]( |[codejet]( |[reed-jones]( |
[marktani]( |[concreted]( |[chmac]( |[charandas]( |[marcelabomfim]( |[zollillo]( |
[<img alt="stigrune" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="swapnilmishra" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="vvasiloud" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="vstoms" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="wichopy" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="yairmark" src="" width="117">]( |
[<img alt="codejet" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="reed-jones" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="SayakaOno" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="swapnilmishra" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="vvasiloud" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="vstoms" src="" width="117">]( |
:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |
[stigrune]( |[swapnilmishra]( |[vvasiloud]( |[vstoms]( |[wichopy]( |[yairmark]( |
[codejet]( |[reed-jones]( |[SayakaOno]( |[swapnilmishra]( |[vvasiloud]( |[vstoms]( |
[<img alt="wichopy" src="" width="117">]( |[<img alt="yairmark" src="" width="117">]( |
:---: |:---: |
[wichopy]( |[yairmark]( |
## Backers [![Backers on Open Collective](](#backers)

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@ -29,12 +29,18 @@ module.exports = {
photo: '/photo.jpg',
bio: 'Pellentesque odio nisi, euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. Sed arcu.',
contacts: {
email: '#',
email: '',
facebook: '#',
telegram: '#',
twitter: '#',
github: '#',
rss: '#',
vkontakte: '#'
rss: '',
vkontakte: '',
linkedin: '#',
instagram: '#',
line: '',
gitlab: '',
weibo: ''

View File

@ -27,6 +27,26 @@ const ICONS = {
RSS: {
path: 'M6 21c0 1.656-1.344 3-3 3s-3-1.344-3-3 1.344-3 3-3 3 1.344 3 3zM14 22.922c0.016 0.281-0.078 0.547-0.266 0.75-0.187 0.219-0.453 0.328-0.734 0.328h-2.109c-0.516 0-0.938-0.391-0.984-0.906-0.453-4.766-4.234-8.547-9-9-0.516-0.047-0.906-0.469-0.906-0.984v-2.109c0-0.281 0.109-0.547 0.328-0.734 0.172-0.172 0.422-0.266 0.672-0.266h0.078c3.328 0.266 6.469 1.719 8.828 4.094 2.375 2.359 3.828 5.5 4.094 8.828zM22 22.953c0.016 0.266-0.078 0.531-0.281 0.734-0.187 0.203-0.438 0.313-0.719 0.313h-2.234c-0.531 0-0.969-0.406-1-0.938-0.516-9.078-7.75-16.312-16.828-16.844-0.531-0.031-0.938-0.469-0.938-0.984v-2.234c0-0.281 0.109-0.531 0.313-0.719 0.187-0.187 0.438-0.281 0.688-0.281h0.047c5.469 0.281 10.609 2.578 14.484 6.469 3.891 3.875 6.188 9.016 6.469 14.484z',
viewBox: '0 0 22 28'
path: 'M4.98 3.5c0 1.381-1.11 2.5-2.48 2.5s-2.48-1.119-2.48-2.5c0-1.38 1.11-2.5 2.48-2.5s2.48 1.12 2.48 2.5zm.02 4.5h-5v16h5v-16zm7.982 0h-4.968v16h4.969v-8.399c0-4.67 6.029-5.052 6.029 0v8.399h4.988v-10.131c0-7.88-8.922-7.593-11.018-3.714v-2.155z',
viewBox: '0 0 24 24'
path: 'M12 2.163c3.204 0 3.584.012 4.85.07 3.252.148 4.771 1.691 4.919 4.919.058 1.265.069 1.645.069 4.849 0 3.205-.012 3.584-.069 4.849-.149 3.225-1.664 4.771-4.919 4.919-1.266.058-1.644.07-4.85.07-3.204 0-3.584-.012-4.849-.07-3.26-.149-4.771-1.699-4.919-4.92-.058-1.265-.07-1.644-.07-4.849 0-3.204.013-3.583.07-4.849.149-3.227 1.664-4.771 4.919-4.919 1.266-.057 1.645-.069 4.849-.069zm0-2.163c-3.259 0-3.667.014-4.947.072-4.358.2-6.78 2.618-6.98 6.98-.059 1.281-.073 1.689-.073 4.948 0 3.259.014 3.668.072 4.948.2 4.358 2.618 6.78 6.98 6.98 1.281.058 1.689.072 4.948.072 3.259 0 3.668-.014 4.948-.072 4.354-.2 6.782-2.618 6.979-6.98.059-1.28.073-1.689.073-4.948 0-3.259-.014-3.667-.072-4.947-.196-4.354-2.617-6.78-6.979-6.98-1.281-.059-1.69-.073-4.949-.073zm0 5.838c-3.403 0-6.162 2.759-6.162 6.162s2.759 6.163 6.162 6.163 6.162-2.759 6.162-6.163c0-3.403-2.759-6.162-6.162-6.162zm0 10.162c-2.209 0-4-1.79-4-4 0-2.209 1.791-4 4-4s4 1.791 4 4c0 2.21-1.791 4-4 4zm6.406-11.845c-.796 0-1.441.645-1.441 1.44s.645 1.44 1.441 1.44c.795 0 1.439-.645 1.439-1.44s-.644-1.44-1.439-1.44z',
viewBox: '0 0 24 24'
path: 'M24 10.304c0-5.369-5.383-9.738-12-9.738-6.616 0-12 4.369-12 9.738 0 4.814 4.269 8.846 10.036 9.608.391.084.922.258 1.057.592.121.303.079.778.039 1.085l-.171 1.027c-.053.303-.242 1.186 1.039.647 1.281-.54 6.911-4.069 9.428-6.967 1.739-1.907 2.572-3.843 2.572-5.992zm-18.988-2.595c.129 0 . 0 . .129-.104.234-.233.234h-3.363c-.063 0-.119-.025-.161-.065l-.001-.001-.002-.002-.001-.001-.003-.003c-.04-.042-.065-.099-.065-.161v-5.229c0-.129.104-.234.233-.234h.842zm14.992 0c.129 0 . .129-.104.234-.233.234h-2.287v.883h2.287c.129 0 . .129-.104.234-.233.234h-2.287v.884h2.287c.129 0 . .129-.104.234-.233.234h-3.363c-.063 0-.12-.025-.162-.065l-.003-.004-.003-.003c-.04-.042-.066-.099-.066-.161v-5.229c0-.062.025-.119.065-.161l.004-.004.003-.003c.042-.04.099-.066.162-.066h3.363zm-10.442.001c.129 0 . .128-.105.233-.234.233h-.842c-.129 0-.234-.105-.234-.233v-5.229c0-.129.105-.233.234-.233h.842zm2.127 0h.008l. 2.396 3.236v-3.106c0-.129.105-.233.234-.233h.841c.13 0 . .128-.104.233-.234.233h-.841l-.06-.008-.004-.001-.015-.005-.007-.003-.012-.004-.011-.006-.007-.003-.014-.009-.002-.002-.06-.058-2.399-3.24v3.106c0 .128-.104.233-.234.233h-.841c-.129 0-.234-.105-.234-.233v-5.229c0-.129.105-.233.234-.233h.841z',
viewBox: '0 0 24 24'
path: 'M 38.011719 4 C 37.574219 3.996094 37.183594 4.273438 37.046875 4.691406 L 32.074219 20 L 17.925781 20 L 12.953125 4.691406 C 12.820313 4.289063 12.449219 4.011719 12.023438 4 C 11.597656 3.992188 11.214844 4.25 11.0625 4.648438 L 5.070313 20.640625 C 5.066406 20.640625 5.066406 20.644531 5.0625 20.648438 L 2.0625 28.648438 C 1.90625 29.070313 2.046875 29.542969 2.414063 29.808594 L 24.40625 45.800781 L 24.410156 45.808594 C 24.414063 45.808594 24.414063 45.808594 24.414063 45.8125 C 24.425781 45.820313 24.441406 45.828125 24.453125 45.835938 C 24.46875 45.84375 24.480469 45.855469 24.496094 45.863281 C 24.5 45.863281 24.5 45.867188 24.503906 45.867188 C 24.503906 45.867188 24.507813 45.871094 24.511719 45.871094 C 24.515625 45.875 24.519531 45.878906 24.527344 45.878906 C 24.53125 45.882813 24.539063 45.886719 24.542969 45.890625 C 24.5625 45.898438 24.585938 45.910156 24.609375 45.917969 C 24.609375 45.917969 24.609375 45.917969 24.609375 45.921875 C 24.632813 45.929688 24.65625 45.9375 24.675781 45.945313 C 24.679688 45.945313 24.679688 45.945313 24.683594 45.949219 C 24.699219 45.953125 24.714844 45.957031 24.734375 45.964844 C 24.742188 45.964844 24.75 45.96875 24.761719 45.96875 C 24.761719 45.972656 24.761719 45.972656 24.761719 45.96875 C 24.78125 45.976563 24.800781 45.980469 24.820313 45.984375 C 24.847656 45.988281 24.871094 45.992188 24.898438 45.996094 C 24.9375 45.996094 24.980469 46 25.019531 46 C 25.058594 45.996094 25.09375 45.996094 25.128906 45.988281 C 25.144531 45.988281 25.15625 45.988281 25.171875 45.984375 C 25.171875 45.984375 25.175781 45.984375 25.179688 45.984375 C 25.1875 45.980469 25.191406 45.980469 25.199219 45.980469 C 25.203125 45.980469 25.207031 45.976563 25.214844 45.976563 C 25.222656 45.972656 25.234375 45.972656 25.242188 45.96875 C 25.257813 45.964844 25.269531 45.960938 25.28125 45.957031 C 25.289063 45.957031 25.292969 45.957031 25.296875 45.953125 C 25.300781 45.953125 25.304688 45.953125 25.308594 45.953125 C 25.324219 45.945313 25.34375 45.9375 25.359375 45.933594 C 25.378906 45.925781 25.394531 45.917969 25.410156 45.910156 C 25.414063 45.910156 25.414063 45.910156 25.417969 45.90625 C 25.421875 45.90625 25.425781 45.90625 25.429688 45.902344 C 25.4375 45.898438 25.445313 45.894531 25.453125 45.890625 C 25.476563 45.878906 25.496094 45.867188 25.515625 45.855469 C 25.523438 45.851563 25.527344 45.847656 25.53125 45.84375 C 25.535156 45.84375 25.539063 45.839844 25.542969 45.839844 C 25.558594 45.828125 25.574219 45.820313 25.589844 45.808594 L 25.597656 45.796875 L 47.589844 29.808594 C 47.953125 29.542969 48.09375 29.070313 47.9375 28.648438 L 44.945313 20.675781 C 44.941406 20.667969 44.9375 20.65625 44.9375 20.648438 L 38.9375 4.648438 C 38.789063 4.261719 38.425781 4.003906 38.011719 4 Z M 8.066406 22 L 16.472656 22 L 22.328125 40.015625 Z M 33.527344 22 L 41.933594 22 L 27.671875 40.015625 Z M 6.3125 23.007813 L 19.6875 39.902344 L 4.203125 28.640625 Z M 43.6875 23.007813 L 45.796875 28.640625 L 30.3125 39.902344 Z',
viewBox: '0 0 50 50'
path: 'M 16.28125 3.8125 C 16.054688 3.828125 15.816406 3.859375 15.59375 3.90625 C 15.179688 3.996094 14.910156 4.402344 15 4.8125 C 15.085938 5.226563 15.492188 5.496094 15.90625 5.40625 C 17.179688 5.136719 18.566406 5.53125 19.5 6.5625 C 20.433594 7.597656 20.679688 9.011719 20.28125 10.25 C 20.152344 10.652344 20.378906 11.089844 20.78125 11.21875 C 21.183594 11.347656 21.617188 11.121094 21.75 10.71875 C 22.3125 8.976563 21.96875 7.015625 20.65625 5.5625 C 19.671875 4.46875 18.296875 3.875 16.9375 3.8125 C 16.710938 3.800781 16.507813 3.796875 16.28125 3.8125 Z M 10.0625 6.09375 C 8.667969 6.242188 6.699219 7.332031 4.96875 9.0625 C 3.082031 10.949219 2 12.957031 2 14.6875 C 2 17.996094 6.226563 20 10.375 20 C 15.8125 20 19.4375 16.820313 19.4375 14.3125 C 19.4375 12.796875 18.179688 11.949219 17.03125 11.59375 C 16.75 11.507813 16.539063 11.464844 16.6875 11.09375 C 17.007813 10.289063 17.066406 9.589844 16.71875 9.09375 C 16.070313 8.164063 14.253906 8.210938 12.21875 9.0625 C 12.21875 9.0625 11.585938 9.351563 11.75 8.84375 C 12.0625 7.835938 12.019531 6.988281 11.53125 6.5 C 11.1875 6.152344 10.695313 6.027344 10.0625 6.09375 Z M 16.8125 6.5 C 16.589844 6.488281 16.375 6.515625 16.15625 6.5625 C 15.800781 6.636719 15.578125 7.019531 15.65625 7.375 C 15.734375 7.730469 16.082031 7.953125 16.4375 7.875 C 16.863281 7.785156 17.34375 7.902344 17.65625 8.25 C 17.96875 8.597656 18.042969 9.054688 17.90625 9.46875 C 17.792969 9.816406 17.964844 10.199219 18.3125 10.3125 C 18.660156 10.421875 19.046875 10.253906 19.15625 9.90625 C 19.429688 9.058594 19.265625 8.085938 18.625 7.375 C 18.144531 6.84375 17.476563 6.53125 16.8125 6.5 Z M 10.8125 10.90625 C 13.582031 11.003906 15.8125 12.378906 16 14.28125 C 16.214844 16.457031 13.71875 18.484375 10.40625 18.8125 C 7.09375 19.140625 4.214844 17.640625 4 15.46875 C 3.785156 13.292969 6.316406 11.265625 9.625 10.9375 C 10.039063 10.898438 10.417969 10.890625 10.8125 10.90625 Z M 8.9375 13 C 7.804688 13.101563 6.734375 13.75 6.25 14.6875 C 5.589844 15.964844 6.242188 17.378906 7.75 17.84375 C 9.308594 18.324219 11.140625 17.597656 11.78125 16.21875 C 12.410156 14.871094 11.605469 13.472656 10.0625 13.09375 C 9.691406 13 9.316406 12.964844 8.9375 13 Z M 8.21875 15.0625 C 8.351563 15.066406 8.472656 15.109375 8.59375 15.15625 C 9.082031 15.355469 9.234375 15.878906 8.9375 16.34375 C 8.632813 16.804688 7.988281 17.027344 7.5 16.8125 C 7.019531 16.601563 6.882813 16.074219 7.1875 15.625 C 7.414063 15.289063 7.824219 15.058594 8.21875 15.0625 Z',
viewBox: '2 2 19 19'

View File

@ -12,12 +12,18 @@ const useSiteMetadata = () => {
contacts {
menu {

View File

@ -18,6 +18,24 @@ const getContactHref = (name: string, contact: string) => {
case 'email':
href = `mailto:${contact}`;
case 'linkedin':
href = `${contact}`;
case 'instagram':
href = `${contact}`;
case 'line':
href = `line://ti/p/${contact}`;
case 'facebook':
href = `${contact}`;
case 'gitlab':
href = `${contact}`;
case 'weibo':
href = `${contact}`;
href = contact;

View File

@ -8,4 +8,10 @@ test('getContactHref', () => {
expect(getContactHref('vkontakte', '#')).toBe('');
expect(getContactHref('telegram', '#')).toBe('');
expect(getContactHref('rss', '#')).toBe('#');
expect(getContactHref('linkedin', '#')).toBe('');
expect(getContactHref('instagram', '#')).toBe('');
expect(getContactHref('line', '#')).toBe('line://ti/p/#');
expect(getContactHref('facebook', '#')).toBe('');
expect(getContactHref('gitlab', '#')).toBe('');
expect(getContactHref('weibo', '#')).toBe('');

View File

@ -23,6 +23,24 @@ const getIcon = (name: string) => {
case 'rss':
icon = ICONS.RSS;
case 'linkedin':
case 'instagram':
case 'line':
icon = ICONS.LINE;
case 'facebook':
case 'gitlab':
case 'weibo':
icon = {};

View File

@ -9,4 +9,10 @@ test('getIcon', () => {