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My brand new blog 2014-09-05 post blog
Starting a new blog... again... without wordpress but in English ;) 1

Hey all and welcome to my new blog! A couple of questions pop-up right away I'm sure. So let's get those out of the way right now!

English?!? Is this a joke?

Nope, I have decided to blog in English for a couple of reasons.

  • It will be easier for me to write articles.
  • I get to share my posts with a couple of non-Dutch friends.

Why did you start over again?

Yeah, I know.... This is like the fourth time I start over isn't it? Well let me give you some reasons for switching:

  • Control. I now have full control over how the page looks and performs.
  • No more Wordpress!!! Many of you will know I have a love/hate relationship with Wordpress. But in the end, the hate won over the love. I am just fed up with the entire system and its problems.
  • Because I wanted to convert to English. And why not convert platform at the same time?

So what can we expect?

I'll be doing a lot more technical blogs. (up next: raspberry pi cluster) I also plan on doing some code examples and general rambling. So pretty much the same as any other blog.