2022-08-23 22:04:03 +02:00

23 lines
904 B

pkgbase = tidal-hifi-git
pkgdesc = The web version of listen.tidal.com running in electron with hifi support thanks to widevine. If the install fails use nvm to temporarily downgrade npm
pkgver = 4.1.1.r0.g4941aae
pkgrel = 1
url = https://github.com/Mastermindzh/tidal-hifi
arch = x86_64
license = custom:MIT
makedepends = git
depends = libxss
depends = nss
depends = gtk3
depends = libxcrypt-compat
provides = tidal-hifi
conflicts = tidal-hifi
source = git+https://github.com/Mastermindzh/tidal-hifi.git
source = tidal-hifi.desktop
source = tidal-hifi.xml
sha512sums = SKIP
sha512sums = 402a73f4bc4c543208d518044607af8b71da428d58b37397a2d74bad1f0d4b854a0a037fd2d29ac157e7185165afe13865a87c57abe8019617de73a767087918
sha512sums = e06fce55c2d9fcaeff514b97e8b003dca4c1a0aa8c8e14c3e3b99febbc2e8af7402d2e2009147f3f57a9b6447fafd23dd69e7b4de63cf43c5d67825836ebecb5
pkgname = tidal-hifi-git