appId: com.rickvanlieshout.tidal-hifi electronVersion: 28.1.1 electronDownload: version: 28.1.1+wvcus mirror: snap: plugs: - default - screen-inhibit-control extraResources: - "themes/**" linux: category: AudioVideo icon: build/icons target: - dir executableName: tidal-hifi executableArgs: [ "--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform", "--ozone-platform-hint=auto", "--enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations", ] desktop: Encoding: UTF-8 Name: TIDAL Hi-Fi GenericName: TIDAL Hi-Fi Comment: The web version of running in electron with hifi support thanks to widevine. Icon: tidal-hifi StartupNotify: true Terminal: false Type: Application Categories: Network;Application;AudioVideo;Audio;Video StartupWMClass: tidal-hifi X-PulseAudio-Properties: media.role=music MimeType: x-scheme-handler/tidal; mac: category: win: icon: icon.png artifactName: "tidalhifi" appId: com.rickvanlieshout.tidalhifi executableName: tidalhifi protocols: name: "tidal" role: "Viewer" schemes: ["tidal"]