
The web version of [listen.tidal.com](listen.tidal.com) running in electron with hifi support thanks to widevine. ![tidal-hifi preview](./docs/preview.png) ## Table of contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Using releases](#using-releases) - [Using source](#using-source) - [Integrations](#integrations) - [Why](#why) - [Why not extend existing projects?](#why-not-extend-existing-projects) - [Special thanks to..](#special-thanks-to) ## Installation ### Using releases Various packaged versions of the software are available on the [releases](https://github.com/Mastermindzh/tidal-hifi/releases) tab. ### Using source To install and work with the code on this project follow these steps: - git clone https://github.com/Mastermindzh/tidal-hifi.git - cd tidal-hifi - npm install - npm start ## Integrations - [i3 blocks config](https://github.com/Mastermindzh/dotfiles/commit/9714b2fa1d670108ce811d5511fd3b7a43180647) - My dotfiles where I use this app to fetch currently playing music (direct commit) ## Why I moved from Spotify over to Tidal and found Linux support to be lacking. When I started this project there weren't any Linux apps that offered Tidal's "hifi" options nor any scripts to control it. ## Why not extend existing projects? Whilst there are a handful of projects attempting to run Tidal on Electron they are all unappealing to me because of various reasons: - Lack of a maintainers/developers. (no hotfixes, no issues being handled etc) - Most are simple web wrappers, not my cup of tea. - Some are DE oriented. I want this to work on WM's too. - None have widevine working at the moment Sometimes it's just easier to start over, cover my own needs and then making it available to the public :) ## Special thanks to.. - [Castlabs](https://castlabs.com/) For maintaining Electron with Widevine CDM installation, Verified Media Path (VMP), and persistent licenses (StorageID)