let notifications; let playBackControl; let api; let port; let menuBar; const { store, settings } = require("./../../scripts/settings"); const { ipcRenderer } = require("electron"); const globalEvents = require("./../../constants/globalEvents"); /** * Sync the UI forms with the current settings */ function refreshSettings() { notifications.checked = store.get(settings.notifications); playBackControl.checked = store.get(settings.playBackControl); api.checked = store.get(settings.api); port.value = store.get(settings.apiSettings.port); menuBar.checked = store.get(settings.menuBar); trayIcon.checked = store.get(settings.trayIcon); mpris.checked = store.get(settings.mpris); } /** * Open an url in the default browsers */ window.openExternal = function (url) { const { shell } = require("electron"); shell.openExternal(url); }; /** * hide the settings window */ window.hide = function () { ipcRenderer.send(globalEvents.hideSettings); }; /** * Restart tidal-hifi after changes */ window.restart = function () { const remote = require("electron").remote; remote.app.relaunch(); remote.app.exit(0); }; /** * Bind UI components to functions after DOMContentLoaded */ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { function get(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function addInputListener(source, key) { source.addEventListener("input", function (event, data) { if (this.value === "on") { store.set(key, source.checked); } else { store.set(key, this.value); } ipcRenderer.send(globalEvents.storeChanged); }); } ipcRenderer.on("refreshData", () => { refreshSettings(); }); ipcRenderer.on("goToTab", (_, tab) => { document.getElementById(tab).click(); }); notifications = get("notifications"); playBackControl = get("playBackControl"); api = get("apiCheckbox"); port = get("port"); menuBar = get("menuBar"); trayIcon = get("trayIcon"); mpris = get("mprisCheckbox"); refreshSettings(); addInputListener(notifications, settings.notifications); addInputListener(playBackControl, settings.playBackControl); addInputListener(api, settings.api); addInputListener(port, settings.apiSettings.port); addInputListener(menuBar, settings.menuBar); addInputListener(trayIcon, settings.trayIcon); addInputListener(mpris, settings.mpris); });