import { app, dialog, Notification } from "@electron/remote"; import { clipboard, ipcRenderer } from "electron"; import Player from "mpris-service"; import { globalEvents } from "./constants/globalEvents"; import { settings } from "./constants/settings"; import { ListenBrainz, ListenBrainzConstants, ListenBrainzStore, } from "./features/listenbrainz/listenbrainz"; import { StoreData } from "./features/listenbrainz/models/storeData"; import { Logger } from "./features/logger"; import { Songwhip } from "./features/songwhip/songwhip"; import { addCustomCss } from "./features/theming/theming"; import { convertDurationToSeconds } from "./features/time/parse"; import { MediaStatus } from "./models/mediaStatus"; import { Options } from "./models/options"; import { downloadFile } from "./scripts/download"; import { addHotkey } from "./scripts/hotkeys"; import { settingsStore } from "./scripts/settings"; import { setTitle } from "./scripts/window-functions"; import { RepeatState } from "./models/repeatState"; const notificationPath = `${app.getPath("userData")}/notification.jpg`; const appName = "TIDAL Hi-Fi"; let currentSong = ""; let player: Player; let currentPlayStatus = MediaStatus.paused; let currentListenBrainzDelayId: ReturnType; let scrobbleWaitingForDelay = false; let currentlyPlaying = MediaStatus.paused; let currentRepeatState: RepeatState =; let currentShuffleState = false; let currentMediaInfo: Options; let currentNotification: Electron.Notification; const elements = { play: '*[data-test="play"]', pause: '*[data-test="pause"]', next: '*[data-test="next"]', previous: 'button[data-test="previous"]', title: '*[data-test^="footer-track-title"]', artists: '*[data-test^="grid-item-detail-text-title-artist"]', home: '*[data-test="menu--home"]', back: '[title^="Back"]', forward: '[title^="Next"]', search: '[class^="searchField"]', shuffle: '*[data-test="shuffle"]', repeat: '*[data-test="repeat"]', account: '*[class^="profileOptions"]', settings: '*[data-test^="open-settings"]', media: '*[data-test="current-media-imagery"]', image: "img", current: '*[data-test="current-time"]', duration: '*[class^=playbackControlsContainer] *[data-test="duration"]', bar: '*[data-test="progress-bar"]', footer: "#footerPlayer", mediaItem: "[data-type='mediaItem']", album_header_title: '.header-details [data-test="title"]', currentlyPlaying: "[class^='isPlayingIcon'], [data-test-is-playing='true']", album_name_cell: '[class^="album"]', tracklist_row: '[data-test="tracklist-row"]', volume: '*[data-test="volume"]', favorite: '*[data-test="footer-favorite-button"]', /** * Get an element from the dom * @param {*} key key in elements object to fetch */ get: function (key: string) { return window.document.querySelector(this[key.toLowerCase()]); }, /** * Get the icon of the current song */ getSongIcon: function () { const figure = this.get("media"); if (figure) { const mediaElement = figure.querySelector(this["image"]); if (mediaElement) { return mediaElement.src.replace("80x80", "640x640"); } } return ""; }, /** * returns an array of all artists in the current song * @returns {Array} artists */ getArtistsArray: function () { const footer = this.get("footer"); if (footer) { const artists = footer.querySelectorAll(this.artists); if (artists) return Array.from(artists).map((artist) => (artist as HTMLElement).textContent); } return []; }, /** * unify the artists array into a string separated by commas * @param {Array} artistsArray * @returns {String} artists */ getArtistsString: function (artistsArray: string[]) { if (artistsArray.length > 0) return artistsArray.join(", "); return "unknown artist(s)"; }, getAlbumName: function () { //If listening to an album, get its name from the header title if (window.location.href.includes("/album/")) { const albumName = window.document.querySelector(this.album_header_title); if (albumName) { return albumName.textContent; } //If listening to a playlist or a mix, get album name from the list } else if ( window.location.href.includes("/playlist/") || window.location.href.includes("/mix/") ) { if (currentPlayStatus === MediaStatus.playing) { // find the currently playing element from the list (which might be in an album icon), traverse back up to the mediaItem (row) and select the album cell. // document.querySelector("[class^='isPlayingIcon'], [data-test-is-playing='true']").closest('[data-type="mediaItem"]').querySelector('[class^="album"]').textContent const row = window.document.querySelector(this.currentlyPlaying).closest(this.mediaItem); if (row) { return row.querySelector(this.album_name_cell).textContent; } } } return ""; }, isMuted: function () { return this.get("volume").getAttribute("aria-checked") === "false"; // it's muted if aria-checked is false }, isFavorite: function () { return this.get("favorite").getAttribute("aria-checked") === "true"; }, /** * Shorthand function to get the text of a dom element * @param {*} key key in elements object to fetch */ getText: function (key: string) { const element = this.get(key); return element ? element.textContent : ""; }, /** * Shorthand function to click a dom element * @param {*} key key in elements object to fetch */ click: function (key: string) { this.get(key).click(); return this; }, /** * Shorthand function to focus a dom element * @param {*} key key in elements object to fetch */ focus: function (key: string) { return this.get(key).focus(); }, }; /** * Get the update frequency from the store * make sure it returns a number, if not use the default */ function getUpdateFrequency() { const storeValue = settingsStore.get(settings.updateFrequency); const defaultValue = 500; if (!isNaN(storeValue)) { return storeValue; } else { return defaultValue; } } /** * Play or pause the current song */ function playPause() { const play = elements.get("play"); if (play) {"play"); } else {"pause"); } } /** * Clears the old listenbrainz data on launch */ ListenBrainzStore.clear(); /** * Add hotkeys for when tidal is focused * Reflects the desktop hotkeys found on: * */ function addHotKeys() { if (settingsStore.get(settings.enableCustomHotkeys)) { addHotkey("Control+p", function () {"account"); setTimeout(() => {"settings"); }, 100); }); addHotkey("Control+l", function () { handleLogout(); }); addHotkey("Control+a", function () {"favorite"); }); addHotkey("Control+h", function () {"home"); }); addHotkey("backspace", function () {"back"); }); addHotkey("shift+backspace", function () {"forward"); }); addHotkey("control+u", function () { // reloading window without cache should show the update bar if applicable window.location.reload(); }); addHotkey("control+r", function () {"repeat"); }); addHotkey("control+w", async function () { const result = await ipcRenderer.invoke(globalEvents.whip, getTrackURL()); const url = Songwhip.getWhipUrl(result); clipboard.writeText(url); new Notification({ title: `Successfully whipped: `, body: `URL copied to clipboard: ${url}`, }).show(); }); } // always add the hotkey for the settings window addHotkey("control+=", function () { ipcRenderer.send(globalEvents.showSettings); }); addHotkey("control+0", function () { ipcRenderer.send(globalEvents.showSettings); }); } /** * This function will ask the user whether he/she wants to log out. * It will log the user out if he/she selects "yes" */ function handleLogout() { const logoutOptions = ["Cancel", "Yes, please", "No, thanks"]; dialog .showMessageBox(null, { type: "question", title: "Logging out", message: "Are you sure you want to log out?", buttons: logoutOptions, defaultId: 2, }) .then((result: { response: number }) => { if (logoutOptions.indexOf("Yes, please") === result.response) { for (let i = 0; i < window.localStorage.length; i++) { const key = window.localStorage.key(i); if (key.startsWith("_TIDAL_activeSession")) { window.localStorage.removeItem(key); break; } } window.location.reload(); } }); } function addFullScreenListeners() { window.document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", () => { ipcRenderer.send(globalEvents.refreshMenuBar); }); } /** * Add ipc event listeners. * Some actions triggered outside of the site need info from the site. */ function addIPCEventListeners() { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { ipcRenderer.on("globalEvent", (_event, args) => { switch (args) { case globalEvents.playPause: case case globalEvents.pause: playPause(); break; case"next"); break; case globalEvents.previous:"previous"); break; case globalEvents.toggleFavorite:"favorite"); break; case globalEvents.toggleShuffle:"shuffle"); break; case globalEvents.toggleRepeat:"repeat"); break; default: break; } }); }); } /** * Update the current status of tidal (e.g playing or paused) */ function getCurrentlyPlayingStatus() { const pause = elements.get("pause"); let status = undefined; // if pause button is visible tidal is playing if (pause) { status = MediaStatus.playing; } else { status = MediaStatus.paused; } return status; } function getCurrentShuffleState() { const shuffle = elements.get("shuffle"); return shuffle?.getAttribute("aria-checked") === "true"; } function getCurrentRepeatState() { const repeat = elements.get("repeat"); switch (repeat?.getAttribute("data-type")) { case "button__repeatAll": return RepeatState.all; case "button__repeatSingle": return RepeatState.single; default: return; } } /** * Convert the duration from MM:SS to seconds * @param {*} duration */ function convertDuration(duration: string) { const parts = duration.split(":"); return parseInt(parts[1]) + 60 * parseInt(parts[0]); } /** * Update Tidal-hifi's media info * * @param {*} options */ function updateMediaInfo(options: Options, notify: boolean) { if (options) { currentMediaInfo = options; ipcRenderer.send(globalEvents.updateInfo, options); if (settingsStore.get(settings.notifications) && notify) { if (currentNotification) currentNotification.close(); currentNotification = new Notification({ title: options.title, body: options.artists, icon: options.icon, });; } updateMpris(options); updateListenBrainz(options); } } function addMPRIS() { if (process.platform === "linux" && settingsStore.get(settings.mpris)) { try { player = Player({ name: "tidal-hifi", identity: "tidal-hifi", supportedUriSchemes: ["file"], supportedMimeTypes: [ "audio/mpeg", "audio/flac", "audio/x-flac", "application/ogg", "audio/wav", ], supportedInterfaces: ["player"], desktopEntry: "tidal-hifi", }); // Events const events = { next: "next", previous: "previous", pause: "pause", playpause: "playpause", stop: "stop", play: "play", loopStatus: "repeat", shuffle: "shuffle", seek: "seek", } as { [key: string]: string }; Object.keys(events).forEach(function (eventName) { player.on(eventName, function () { const eventValue = events[eventName]; switch (events[eventValue]) { case events.playpause: playPause(); break; default:; } }); }); // Override get position function player.getPosition = function () { return convertDuration(elements.getText("current")) * 1000 * 1000; }; player.on("quit", function () { app.quit(); }); } catch (exception) { Logger.log("MPRIS player api not working", exception); } } } function updateMpris(options: Options) { if (player) { player.metadata = { ...player.metadata, ...{ "xesam:title": options.title, "xesam:artist": [options.artists], "xesam:album": options.album, "mpris:artUrl": options.image, "mpris:length": convertDuration(options.duration) * 1000 * 1000, "mpris:trackid": "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2/track/" + getTrackID(), }, }; player.playbackStatus = options.status === MediaStatus.paused ? "Paused" : "Playing"; } } /** * Update the listenbrainz service with new data based on a few conditions */ function updateListenBrainz(options: Options) { if (settingsStore.get(settings.ListenBrainz.enabled)) { const oldData = ListenBrainzStore.get(ListenBrainzConstants.oldData) as StoreData; if ( (!oldData && options.status === MediaStatus.playing) || (oldData && oldData.title !== options.title) ) { if (!scrobbleWaitingForDelay) { scrobbleWaitingForDelay = true; clearTimeout(currentListenBrainzDelayId); currentListenBrainzDelayId = setTimeout( () => { ListenBrainz.scrobble( options.title, options.artists, options.status, convertDuration(options.duration) ); scrobbleWaitingForDelay = false; }, settingsStore.get(settings.ListenBrainz.delay) ?? 0 ); } } } } /** * Checks if Tidal is playing a video or song by grabbing the "a" element from the title. * If it's a song it returns the track URL, if not it will return undefined */ function getTrackURL() { const id = getTrackID(); return `${id}`; } function getTrackID() { const URLelement = elements.get("title").querySelector("a"); if (URLelement !== null) { const id = URLelement.href.replace(/\D/g, ""); return id; } return window.location; } /** * Watch for song changes and update title + notify */ setInterval(function () { const title = elements.getText("title"); const artistsArray = elements.getArtistsArray(); const artistsString = elements.getArtistsString(artistsArray); const songDashArtistTitle = `${title} - ${artistsString}`; const titleOrArtistsChanged = currentSong !== songDashArtistTitle; const current = elements.getText("current"); const currentStatus = getCurrentlyPlayingStatus(); const shuffleState = getCurrentShuffleState(); const repeatState = getCurrentRepeatState(); const playStateChanged = currentStatus != currentlyPlaying; const shuffleStateChanged = shuffleState != currentShuffleState; const repeatStateChanged = repeatState != currentRepeatState; const hasStateChanged = playStateChanged || shuffleStateChanged || repeatStateChanged; // update info if song changed or was just paused/resumed if (titleOrArtistsChanged || hasStateChanged) { if (playStateChanged) currentlyPlaying = currentStatus; if (shuffleStateChanged) currentShuffleState = shuffleState; if (repeatStateChanged) currentRepeatState = repeatState; skipArtistsIfFoundInSkippedArtistsList(artistsArray); const album = elements.getAlbumName(); const duration = elements.getText("duration"); const options = { title, artists: artistsString, album: album, status: currentStatus, url: getTrackURL(), current, currentInSeconds: convertDurationToSeconds(current), duration, durationInSeconds: convertDurationToSeconds(duration), "app-name": appName, image: "", icon: "", favorite: elements.isFavorite(), player: { status: currentStatus, shuffle: shuffleState, repeat: repeatState, }, }; // update title, url and play info with new info setTitle(songDashArtistTitle); getTrackURL(); currentSong = songDashArtistTitle; currentPlayStatus = currentStatus; const image = elements.getSongIcon(); new Promise((resolve) => { if (image.startsWith("http")) { options.image = image; downloadFile(image, notificationPath).then( () => { options.icon = notificationPath; resolve(); }, () => { // if the image can't be downloaded then continue without it resolve(); } ); } else { // if the image can't be found on the page continue without it resolve(); } }).then(() => { updateMediaInfo(options, titleOrArtistsChanged); }); } else { // just update the time updateMediaInfo( { ...currentMediaInfo, ...{ current, currentInSeconds: convertDurationToSeconds(current) } }, false ); } /** * automatically skip a song if the artists are found in the list of artists to skip * @param {*} artists array of artists */ function skipArtistsIfFoundInSkippedArtistsList(artists: string[]) { if (settingsStore.get(settings.skipArtists)) { const skippedArtists = settingsStore.get(settings.skippedArtists); if (skippedArtists.length > 0) { const artistsToSkip = => artist); const artistNames = Object.values(artists).map((artist) => artist); const foundArtist = artistNames.some((artist) => artistsToSkip.includes(artist)); if (foundArtist) {"next"); } } } } }, getUpdateFrequency()); addMPRIS(); addCustomCss(app); addHotKeys(); addIPCEventListeners(); addFullScreenListeners();