Show a notification when a new song starts.
Skip Artists automatically
The following list of artists (1 per line) will be skipped automatically.
Block ads
Disabled audio & visual ads, unlocked lyrics, suggested track, track info, unlimited skips
Fixed menubar
Always show TIDAL Hi-Fi's menu bar.
Tray icon
Show TIDAL Hi-Fi's tray icon.
Minimize on Close
Minimize window on close instead.
Enable extra hotkeys to achieve feature parity with the desktop apps.
Single instance
Prevent opening multiple TIDAL Hi-Fi's instances.
TIDAL Hi-Fi has a built-in web API to allow users to get current song information. You can optionally enable playback control as well.
Enable the TIDAL Hi-Fi web API.
Playback control
Enable playback control from the web API.
TIDAL Hi-Fi is extensible through the use of integrations. You can enable or disable them here.
Enable MPRIS interface which provides a mechanism for discovery, querying and basic playback control on Linux systems.
Discord RPC
Show what you're listening to on Discord.
Scrobble your listens directly to ListenBrainz.
ListenBrainz API Url
There are multiple instances for ListenBrainz you can set the corresponding API url below.
ListenBrainz User Token
Provide the user token you can get from the settings page.
Update frequency
The amount of time, in milliseconds, that tidal-hifi will refresh its playback info by scraping the website. The default of 500 seems to work in more cases but if you are fine with a bit more resource usage you can decrease it as well.
Disable hardware built-in media keys
Also prevents certain desktop environments from recognizing the chrome MPRIS client separately from the custom MPRIS client.
Enable GPU rasterization
Move a part of the rendering to the GPU for increased performance.
Disable Background Throttling
Makes app more responsive while in the background, at the cost of performance.
Custom CSS
The css that you put in here will be injected into a style tag in the head of the document.
Theme files
Current theme
Select a theme below or "Tidal - Default" to return to the original Tidal look.
Upload new themes
Click the button and select the css files to import. They will be added to the theme list automatically.
is made by
Rick van Lieshout.
It uses
version of Electron for widevine support.