Name: VSDiagnostics.exe
Description: Command-line tool used for performing diagnostics.
Author: Bobby Cooke
Created: 2023-07-12
  - Command: VSDiagnostics.exe start 1 /launch:calc.exe
    Description: Starts a collection session with sessionID 1 and calls kernelbase.CreateProcessW to launch specified executable.
    Usecase: Proxy execution of binary
    Category: Execute
    Privileges: User
    MitreID: T1127
    OperatingSystem: Windows 10, Windows 11
  - Command: VSDiagnostics.exe start 2 /launch:cmd.exe /launchArgs:"/c calc.exe"
    Description: Starts a collection session with sessionID 2 and calls kernelbase.CreateProcessW to launch specified executable. Arguments specified in launchArgs are passed to CreateProcessW.
    Usecase: Proxy execution of binary with arguments
    Category: Execute
    Privileges: User
    MitreID: T1127
    OperatingSystem: Windows 10, Windows 11
  - Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Team Tools\DiagnosticsHub\Collector\VSDiagnostics.exe
  - Sigma: https://github.com/tsale/Sigma_rules/blob/d5b4a09418edfeeb3a2d654f556d5bca82003cd7/LOL_BINs/VSDiagnostics_LoLBin.yml
  - Link: https://twitter.com/0xBoku/status/1679200664013135872
  - Person: Bobby Cooke
    Handle: '@0xBoku'