#A hacky script to convert YML to MD file the way I want # Used primarly for generating MD files to the LOLBAS-Project site #Author: Oddvar Moe #If you can use it, be my guest! $mainpath = "C:\data\gitprojects\LOLBAS" function Convert-YamlToMD { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $YamlObject, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Outfile ) Begin { } Process { "---" | Add-Content $Outfile "name: $($YamlObject.Name)"| Add-Content $Outfile "description: $($YamlObject.Description)"| Add-Content $Outfile "function:"| Add-Content $Outfile # Need a category linked to the different things... Execute, Download, AWL-bypass. foreach($cmd in $YamlObject.Commands) { " $($cmd.Category):"| Add-Content $Outfile " - description: $($cmd.Description)"| Add-Content $Outfile " code: $($cmd.Command)"| Add-Content $Outfile " code: $($cmd.Command)"| Add-Content $Outfile " mitreid: $($cmd.MitreID)"| Add-Content $Outfile " mitrelink: $($cmd.MitreLink)"| Add-Content $Outfile } "resources:"| Add-Content $Outfile foreach($link in $YamlObject.Resources) { " - resource: $($link)"| Add-Content $Outfile } "fullpath:"| Add-Content $Outfile foreach($path in $YamlObject.'Full path') { " - path: $($path)"| Add-Content $Outfile } "notes: $($YamlObject.Notes)"| Add-Content $Outfile "---" | Add-Content $Outfile } End { } } function Invoke-GenerateMD { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Ymlpath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Outpath ) Begin { } Process { # Read yaml files $bins = @() cd get-childitem -Path $Ymlpath -File | foreach{ Write-Verbose "Add yamls to array" write-verbose $_ [string[]]$fileContent = Get-Content $_.FullName $content = '' foreach ($line in $fileContent) { $content = $content + "`n" + $line } $yaml = ConvertFrom-YAML $content $bins += $yaml } $bins | foreach{ Write-Verbose "Converting files to yaml" write-verbose "$($_.name)" Convert-YamlToMD -YamlObject $_ -Outfile "$Outpath\$($_.name.split(".")[0]).md" } } End { } } #Generate the stuff! #Bins #Invoke-GenerateMD -YmlPath "$mainpath\yml\OSBinaries" -Outpath "c:\tamp\Binaries" -Verbose Invoke-GenerateMD -YmlPath "$mainpath\yml\OtherMSBinaries" -Outpath "c:\tamp\OtherMSBinaries" -Verbose ##Scripts #Invoke-GenerateMD -YmlPath "$mainpath\yml\OSScripts" -Outpath "c:\tamp\SCripts" -Verbose ##Libs #Invoke-GenerateMD -YmlPath "$mainpath\yml\OSLibraries" -Outpath "c:\tamp\Libraries" -Verbose