--- Name: gatherNetworkInfo.vbs Description: Network Information Collector Script Author: 'Kyaw Pyiyt Htet' Created: 2023-08-25 Commands: - Command: wscript.exe gatherNetworkInfo.vbs Description: The script gathernetworkinfo.vbs is employed to collect system information such as the operating system, DNS details, firewall configuration, etc. Outputs are stored in c:\Windows\System32\config or c:\Windows\System32\reg. Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1082 OperatingSystem: Windows 10, Windows 11 Full_Path: - Path: c:\Windows\System32\gatherNetworkInfo.vbs Code_Sample: - Code: Resources: - Link: https://www.verboon.info/2011/06/the-gathernetworkinfo-vbs-script/ Acknowledgement: - Person: Kyaw Pyiyt Htet Handle: '@KyawPyiytHtet'