## Advpack.dll
* Functions: Execute

rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection c:\\test.inf,DefaultInstall_SingleUser,1,
Remote fetch and execute a COM Scriptlet by calling an information file directive (Section name specified).

rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection test.inf,,1,
Remote fetch and execute a COM Scriptlet by calling an information file directive (DefaultInstall section implied).

rundll32.exe Advpack.dll,RegisterOCX calc.exe
Launch executable by calling the RegisterOCX function.

rundll32 advpack.dll, RegisterOCX "cmd.exe /c calc.exe"
Launch executable by calling the RegisterOCX function.

rundll32.exe Advpack.dll,RegisterOCX test.dll
Launch a DLL payload by calling the RegisterOCX function.
* Resources:   
  * https://bohops.com/2018/02/26/leveraging-inf-sct-fetch-execute-techniques-for-bypass-evasion-persistence/
  * https://twitter.com/ItsReallyNick/status/967859147977850880
  * https://twitter.com/bohops/status/974497123101179904
  * https://twitter.com/moriarty_meng/status/977848311603380224
* Full path:   
  * c:\windows\system32\advpack.dll
  * c:\windows\sysWOW64\advpack.dll
* Notes: Thanks to Jimmy - @bohops (LaunchINFSection), fabrizio - @0rbz_ (RegisterOCX - DLL), Moriarty @moriarty_meng (RegisterOCX - Cmd)