--- Name: AppCert.exe Description: Windows App Certification Kit command-line tool. Author: Avihay Eldad Created: 2024-03-06 Commands: - Command: appcert.exe test -apptype desktop -setuppath {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.exe} -reportoutputpath {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.xml} Description: Execute an executable file via the Windows App Certification Kit command-line tool. Usecase: Performs execution of specified file, can be used as a defense evasion Category: Execute Privileges: Administrator MitreID: T1127 OperatingSystem: Windows Tags: - Execute: EXE - Command: appcert.exe test -apptype desktop -setuppath {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.msi} -setupcommandline /q -reportoutputpath {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.xml} Description: Install an MSI file via an msiexec instance spawned via appcert.exe as parent process. Usecase: Execute custom made MSI file with malicious code Category: Execute Privileges: Administrator MitreID: T1218.007 OperatingSystem: Windows Tags: - Execute: MSI Full_Path: - Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\appcert.exe - Path: C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\appcert.exe Resources: - Link: https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/win_cert/using-the-windows-app-certification-kit Acknowledgement: - Person: Avihay Eldad Handle: '@AvihayEldad'