--- Name: Devtoolslauncher.exe Description: Binary will execute specified binary. Part of VS/VScode installation. Author: felamos Created: 2019-10-04 Commands: - Command: devtoolslauncher.exe LaunchForDeploy {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.exe} "{CMD:args}" test Description: The above binary will execute other binary. Usecase: Execute any binary with given arguments and it will call developertoolssvc.exe. developertoolssvc is actually executing the binary. Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1127 OperatingSystem: Windows 7 and up with VS/VScode installed Tags: - Execute: CMD - Command: devtoolslauncher.exe LaunchForDebug {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.exe} "{CMD:args}" test Description: The above binary will execute other binary. Usecase: Execute any binary with given arguments. Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1127 OperatingSystem: Windows 7 and up with VS/VScode installed Tags: - Execute: CMD Full_Path: - Path: 'c:\windows\system32\devtoolslauncher.exe' Detection: - Sigma: https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/blob/683b63f8184b93c9564c4310d10c571cbe367e1e/rules/windows/process_creation/proc_creation_win_lolbin_devtoolslauncher.yml - IOC: DeveloperToolsSvc.exe spawned an unknown process Resources: - Link: https://twitter.com/_felamos/status/1179811992841797632 Acknowledgement: - Person: felamos Handle: '@_felamos'