--- Name: VSIISExeLauncher.exe Description: Binary will execute specified binary. Part of VS/VScode installation. Author: timwhite Created: 2021-09-24 Commands: - Command: VSIISExeLauncher.exe -p {PATH:.exe} -a "{CMD:args}" Description: The above binary will execute other binary. Usecase: Execute any binary with given arguments. Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1218 OperatingSystem: Windows 10 and up with VS/VScode installed Tags: - Execute: EXE Full_Path: - Path: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Web Tools\ProjectSystem\VSIISExeLauncher.exe' Detection: - Sigma: https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/blob/19396788dbedc57249a46efed2bb1927abc376d4/rules/windows/process_creation/proc_creation_win_lolbin_vsiisexelauncher.yml - IOC: VSIISExeLauncher.exe spawned an unknown process Resources: - Link: https://github.com/timwhitez Acknowledgement: - Person: timwhite