--- Name: SystemSettingsAdminFlow.exe Description: SystemSettingsAdminFlows.exe is responsible for the administrator privileges that are required for opening/editing/removing files. Author: 'Jason Phang Vern-Onn' Created: 2025-01-19 Commands: - Command: C:\Windows\System32\SystemSettingsFlowAdmin.exe Defender RTP 1 Description: SystemSettingsFlowAdmin.exe can be abused to modify Windows Defender settings, such as disabling enhanced notifications, submission consent, and real-time protection. Usecase: Attackers can exploit this binary to disable critical Windows Defender settings and bypass security measures, enabling malware execution. Category: Execute Privileges: Administrator MitreID: T1562.001 OperatingSystem: Windows 10 1803, Windows 10 1703 Tags: - Execute: EXE Full_Path: - Path: C:\Windows\System32\SystemSettingsFlowAdmin.exe - Path: C:\Windows\Syswow64\SystemSettingsFlowAdmin.exe Detection: - IOC: Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational Event Log Event ID 5007 for changes - IOC: SystemSettingsFlowAdmin.exe spawned with parent image not SystemSettings.exe - Sigma: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ald3n5/b1a3f4138b1a1624f7e183a3d0859d17/raw/29e6f67fa3920a39cb4c4bc5226f21a6057fa5ad/susp_adminflows_tampering_defender.yml Resources: - Link: https://www.huntress.com/blog/lolbin-to-inc-ransomware - Link: https://www.huntress.com/blog/its-not-safe-to-pay-safepay Acknowledgement: - Person: Alden Schmidt - Person: Matt Anderson