# Living Off The Land Binaries and Scripts (and now also Libraries) There are currently three different lists: * [LOLBins](LOLBins.md) * [LOLLibs](LOLLibs.md) * [LOLScripts](LOLScripts.md) The above files can be found behind a fancy frontend here: https://lolbas-project.github.io (thanks @xenosCR for this bit of eyecandy). ## Goal The goal of the LOLBAS project is to document every binary, script, and library that can be used for Living Off The Land techniques. ## Criteria A LOLBin/Lib/Script must: * Be a Microsoft-signed file, either native to the OS or downloaded from Microsoft. * Have extra "unexpected" functionality. It is not interesting to document intended use cases. * Exceptions are application whitelisting bypasses * Have functionality that would be useful to an APT or red team Interesting functionality can include: * Executing code * Arbitrary code execution * Pass-through execution of other programs (unsigned) or scripts (via a LOLBin) * Compiling code * File operations * Downloading * Upload * Copy * Persistence * Pass-through persistence utilizing existing LOLBin * Persistence (e.g. hide data in ADS, execute at logon) * UAC bypass * Credential theft * Dumping process memory * Surveillance (e.g. keylogger, network trace) * Log evasion/modification * DLL side-loading/hijacking without being relocated elsewhere in the filesystem. ## The History of the LOLBin The phrase "Living off the land" was coined by Christopher Campbell (@obscuresec) & Matt Graeber (@mattifestation) at [DerbyCon 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-r6UonEkUw). The term LOLBins came from a Twitter discussion on what to call binaries that can be used by an attacker to perform actions beyond their original purpose. Philip Goh (@MathCasualty) [proposed LOLBins](https://twitter.com/MathCasualty/status/969174982579273728). A highly scientific internet poll ensued, and after a general consensus (69%) was reached, the name was [made official](https://twitter.com/Oddvarmoe/status/985432848961343488). Jimmy (@bohops) [followed up with LOLScripts](https://twitter.com/bohops/status/984828803120881665). No poll was taken. Common hashtags for these files are: * #LOLBin * #LOLBins * #LOLScript * #LOLScripts * #LOLLib * #LOLLibs ## Thanks As with many open-source projects, this one is the product of a community and we would like to thank ours: * The domain http://lolbins.com has been registered by an unknown individual and redirected it to this project. * The domain http://lolbas-project.com has been registered by Jimmy (@bohops). * The logos for the project were created by Adam Nadrowski (@_sup_mane). We #@&!!@#! love them.