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# mastermindzh' code conventions
In this repo you'll find various code convention guideline files (and some .ignore stuff).
Most of my projects will use at least one of these but I strive to use as many as I can.
**note** these are by no means definitive. Every project has different needs, treat these files as a starting point.
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- [repo outline](#repo-outline)
- [@mastermindzh/prettier-config](#mastermindzhprettier-config)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [package.json](#packagejson)
- [.prettierrc.js](#prettierrcjs)
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## repo outline
├── prettier // prettier config
├── index.js
└── package.json
├── .dockerignore // things to ignore when building dockers
├── .editorconfig // default editor configuration
├── .eslintignore // files to ignore when using eslint
├── .eslintrc // default eslint config
├── .gitignore // files to ignore when working with git
## @mastermindzh/prettier-config
My preferred prettier configuration.
### Installation
Simply install the package with npm:
`npm install --save-dev @mastermindzh/prettier-config`
### Configuration
Configuring your project to use `@mastermindzh/prettier-config` can be done in several ways.
The easiest is the [package.json](#packagejson) solution, the most extensible is the [.prettierrc.js](#prettierrcjs) version.
#### package.json
Simply add a "prettier" key with the package name:
"prettier": "@mastermindzh/prettier-config"
#### .prettierrc.js
This solution requires you to put a `.prettierrc.js` file at the root of your project with the following code:
module.exports = {
// optional overrides:
jsxBracketSameLine: true,