configured the rofi colours globally

This commit is contained in:
Rick van Lieshout 2019-07-04 22:41:21 +02:00
parent 907a00cac2
commit 54efa8ffa4
2 changed files with 8 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
rofi.color-window: #273238, #273238, #1e2529
rofi.color-normal: #273238, #c1c1c1, #273238, #394249, #ffffff
rofi.color-active: #273238, #80cbc4, #273238, #394249, #80cbc4
rofi.color-urgent: #273238, #ff1844, #273238, #394249, #ff1844
rofi.color-window: #1e1e1e, #333333, #333333
rofi.color-normal: #1e1e1e, #848484, #1e1e1e, #333333, #f6f6f7
rofi.color-active: #333333, #ef5350, #0000ff, #333333, #f6f6f7
rofi.color-urgent: #333333, #ef5350, #0000ff, #333333, #f6f6f7
rofi.lines: 10
rofi.line-padding: 15
rofi.font: monospace 10
rofi.line-padding: 5
rofi.font: monospace 10

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@ -125,11 +125,8 @@ bindsym $mod+Print exec flameshot gui # Show screenshot window
bindsym $mod+shift+b exec /bin/bash ~/.config/i3/scripts/
# Rofi
# window: background border dividerline
# normal: odd lines - text colour - even lines - hover lines - hover text colour
# active: background
bindsym $mod+d exec "rofi -color-window '#1e1e1e, #333333, #333333' -color-normal '#1e1e1e, #848484, #1e1e1e, #333333, #f6f6f7' -lines 10 -line-padding 5 -show run"
bindsym $mod+Tab exec "rofi -color-window '#1e1e1e, #333333, #333333' -color-normal '#1e1e1e, #848484, #1e1e1e, #333333, #f6f6f7' -color-active '#333333, #ef5350, #0000ff, #333333, #f6f6f7' -lines 10 -line-padding 5 -show"
bindsym $mod+d exec "rofi -show run"
bindsym $mod+Tab exec "rofi -show"
bindsym $mod+n exec $vpnmanager