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TekTree part 4 - programming 2015-12-24:23:00 post IOT
I finally get to the juicy code of my home-made christmas tree shambles! 18

In the last installment of the series I show you how to program the arduino to work with the TekTree we built. I would advise each and every one of you to download my sketch and try it but after that start experimenting with your own designs!


Before we start writing complicated code we first need to design a very simple test sketch for the leds. The script I used can be found below or at Github under the following directory: Testing -> LedTest

The code is quite simple. It sets all led's as output and runs through them. back and forth

   Rick van Lieshout

 const int DELAYTIME = 100;
 const int NUMBEROFPINS = 11;
 const int pinArray[NUMBEROFPINS] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

 void setup() {
   //initiate pins
   for (int thisPin = 0; thisPin < NUMBEROFPINS; thisPin++) {
     pinMode(pinArray[thisPin], OUTPUT);

 void loop() {
   // loop from the lowest pin to the highest:
   for (int thisPin = 0; thisPin < NUMBEROFPINS; thisPin++) {
    // turn the led on:
    digitalWrite(pinArray[thisPin], HIGH);
    // wait for a bit
    // turn the led off:
    digitalWrite(pinArray[thisPin], LOW);
   // loop from the highest pin to the lowest:
   for (int thisPin = NUMBEROFPINS - 1; thisPin >= 0; thisPin--) {
    // turn the led on:
    digitalWrite(pinArray[thisPin], HIGH);
    // wait for a bit
    // turn the led off:
    digitalWrite(pinArray[thisPin], LOW);

Assuming all went well you should now see the led's come on 1 by 1 and create a little wave effect (first pattern down!)

Now that we know it all works let's clean up the code and add some pattern handling.

The finished code / result

The complete code can once again be found on github or directly below the video. That's it for now. Merry christmas and a happy new year folks!

The code that makes it work

  Rick van Lieshout

/** Constant value's, these have to be changed manually  **/
const int MAXSEQUENCES= 20;     // number of steps in the largest sequence. Could make it 999 but that would affect performance
const int NUMBEROFPINS = 11;    // number of leds
const int NUMBEROFPATTERNS = 5; // number of patterns specified
const int DELAYPOT = 0;         // number of pin that pot is connected to
const int BUTTONPIN = 12;       // number of pin that button is connected to
const int pinArray[NUMBEROFPINS] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; // pins where leds are connected

/** Regular variables, program can alter these **/
int previousbuttonstate = 0;  // used to detect whether button is pressed
int buttonstate = 0;          // used to detect whether button is pressed
int pattern = 0;              // pattern to start with

/** massive array which holds the patterns **/

/** Setup only gets run once **/
void setup(){
  //set all pins as input/output

/** Loop is constantly running **/
void loop() {
  // read button state
  buttonstate = digitalRead(BUTTONPIN);
  // if button state changed
  if(buttonstate != previousbuttonstate){
    previousbuttonstate = buttonstate;
     // check value and add to pattern
     if(buttonstate == HIGH){
      if(pattern +1 == NUMBEROFPATTERNS){
        pattern = 0;

  // Loop through all the arrays and toggle pins on or off.
  for (int sequence=0;sequence<getSequences(pattern);sequence++) {
    for (int pin=0;pin<NUMBEROFPINS;pin++) {
      digitalWrite(pinArray[pin], LEDsequence[pattern][sequence][pin]);
    // delay between sequences, should use millis if you want instant response on the button

/** Count the number of sequences in a specific pattern **/
int getSequences(int pattern){
  byte amount = 0;
  for(byte i = 0; i<MAXSEQUENCES; i++){
    int total = 0;
    for(int pin=0; pin<NUMBEROFPINS; pin++){
  return amount;

/** get value of pot **/
int getDelay(int potnr){
  return analogRead(potnr);

/** Set all pins as either output or input **/
void initializePins(){
  for (int pin=0;pin<NUMBEROFPINS;pin++) {
    pinMode(pinArray[pin], OUTPUT);     // we make all the declarations at once